Saturday, August 25, 2012

How Does Our Garden Grow!

We're pretty excited by how well our garden's taken off, and we've sure taken to it as well. From incorporating our garden fresh produce into our Weekly Lunch Specials to supplementing our farmer's market finds, our garden has served us well this season.

When we started our little kitchen garden out back in May, it was full of promise. 

In June, it was growing well, despite the rabbits attempts at dining at Woolley's.

Now, just three months later, it's lived up to all of its potential and we're so thrilled to be able to share our garden's bounty with all of our guests.

This week, our lunch specials included a Bacon, Lettuce, and Fried Green Tomato Sandwich, and guess where the tomatoes came from. If you guessed our garden, you were right on the money! A few weeks ago, we were even able to use Smith Farms' grilled zucchini with our garden fresh cucumbers in a delicious Farm Fresh Salad lunch special.

We're also pretty excited about our indoor herb garden. We can use fresh herbs even during those long Minnesota winters. This whole green thumb thing is working out nicely.

How about you? Do you have a backyard garden or maybe even a kitchen herb garden? What's your favorite way to use your garden's bounty?

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